Groundbreaking Ammonia Cracking Catalyst Developed by a team lead by Dr. Gang Wu of State University of New York at Buffalo and by Dr. Zhong Tang of Bettergy Corp. is featured in Energy & Environmental Science Journal Article

Groundbreaking Ammonia Cracking Catalyst Developed by a team lead by Dr. Gang Wu of State University of New York at Buffalo and by Dr. Zhong Tang of Bettergy Corp. is featured in Energy & Environmental Science Journal Article

With support from ARPA-e and NYSERDA, the team has successfully developed a groundbreaking low temperature and precious metal-free ammonia cracking catalyst, which substantially reduces the cracking temperature and improves the energy efficiency of the cracking process.  According to Dr. Lin-Feng Li, CTO of Bettergy, this catalyst has important implications for the use of green ammonia as a carbon-free energy carrier for hydrogen.  With the development of this groundbreaking low temperature catalyst, green ammonia becomes a more efficient energy storage and transportation carrier, reducing cost and enabling zero-carbon hydrogen production from ammonia, helping to further the hydrogen economy.  The catalyst is used, along with Bettergy’s low cost and high performance hydrogen separation membrane, in Bettergy’s Ammonia Cracking Membrane Reactor to produce hydrogen on demand and at low cost, without carbon emissions. The catalyst and the reactor technology are now being commercialized by Bettergy.

A paper describing part of this work was published on August 16, 2022 in the Journal of Energy and Environmental Science.

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