Bettergy awarded a subcontract in an EERE program to manufacture one of the key components for high efficiency AEM electrolyzers

Bettergy awarded a subcontract in an EERE program to manufacture one of the key components for high efficiency AEM electrolyzers

Bettergy has been selected by the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) as a subcontractor to manufacture its high-performance anion exchange membrane (AEM) for high-efficiency AEM electrolyzers. Bettergy’s patented AEM has demonstrated high ionic conductivity and superior oxidation stability in harsh environments. For more information, please visit Bettergy’s Anion Exchange Membrane Technology.



Lithium Extraction Membranes

Brine Desalination Membranes


High Energy Density Batteries for Undersea Applications

Industrial Gas

Hydrogen Separation Membranes

Oxygen Separation Membranes


Renewable Energy Storage–Low-Cost Zinc-based Rechargeable Batteries

Renewable Energy Storage–Redox Flow Battery Membranes

Gasification–Membrane Reactor for Carbon Capture

Fuel Cells–Anion Exchange Membranes

Fuel Cells–Air Diffusion Electrodes

Portable Electronics

Rechargeable Lithium Batteries

Aerospace and Defense

Rechargeable Lithium Batteries

High Energy Density Undersea Batteries for Undersea Applications


Electric Vehicles– Rechargeable Lithium Batteries

Fuel Cell EVs–Ammonia Cracking for Onsite Hydrogen Production

Fuel Cell EVs–Anion Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells