Dr. Lin-Feng Li gave a presentation about Bettergy and its novel low-cost, safe, high-performance battery at the New York City Innovation Showcase sponsored by NYSERDA.
Lithium Extraction Membranes
Brine Desalination Membranes
High Energy Density Batteries for Undersea Applications
Hydrogen Separation Membranes
Oxygen Separation Membranes
Renewable Energy Storage–Low-Cost Zinc-based Rechargeable Batteries
Renewable Energy Storage–Redox Flow Battery Membranes
Gasification–Membrane Reactor for Carbon Capture
Fuel Cells–Anion Exchange Membranes
Fuel Cells–Air Diffusion Electrodes
Rechargeable Lithium Batteries
High Energy Density Undersea Batteries for Undersea Applications
Electric Vehicles– Rechargeable Lithium Batteries
Fuel Cell EVs–Ammonia Cracking for Onsite Hydrogen Production
Fuel Cell EVs–Anion Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells